And here we are again. It's been quite some time since the last post, but December has been a busy month, with end of school, exams, festivities and everything else, so I couldn't write anything before, eventhough these shots are from the 22nd of November. These are the "Modena City Ramblers", o MCR, an italian folk band founded in 1991. They are mostly known for their left-wing politics and their lyrics against Mafia and fascism. Yes, I took this from Wikipedia, although I follow them since I was 10, at least. I was quite surprised to find out a lot of people - italians, obviously - know them; most of the songs they wrote themselves, but there are some, such as "Contessa", "In un Giorno di Pioggia", which they took from partisans or italian songwriters and they remade according to their music and style. |